Author name: Pasadena Realtor


Foreclosure Scams: Salt in the Wound

Every single day I speak with people who are in foreclosure. These conversations always have several things in common: A stressed, and frustrated homeowner, a bank that has been utterly useless in terms of making the situation any better, and… Read more...

What is a Trial Modification?

Last Sunday morning, I sat down with some homeowners to discuss their options relating to the foreclosure mess they were in. Through the course of the conversation, I learned that they had just received a letter stating that they didn’t… Read more...
Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon and your Debt

When discussing debt elimination my clients often see their debt as something monumental. In a way, I agree with them. I often think of the Grand Canyon. Think about how the Canyon was created for a moment. A relatively minuscule… Read more...
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