Thinking about living in Atwater Park? You’ll be among more than just a diverse mix of people – horses and gardens would be your neighbors as well.
East Los Angeles equestrians are familiar with Atwater Village because it has a district for riding and stables. Southern California gardeners are drawn here as well because its location in the old Los Angeles River floodplain (“Atwater” is derived from its position by the river, at-water) left deep, fertile soil in which to grow vegetable and ornamental gardens.
Not too far from Hollywood, Walt Disney himself used to frequent the Tam O’Shanter Inn, a 90-year-old Zagat-rated establishment still operating on Los Feliz Boulevard. But the area is dotted with newer, diverse retail businesses, many of which are independently owned and operated.
Homes in Atwater Village sell for a median price of $533,000 (2013) and somewhat less for townhouses and attached condominiums. But some homes sell in seven figures. Occasionally, you can even purchase a horse paddock and access to Griffith Park trails.
Meanwhile, parents who want their children to have an international experience in school make Atwater Village their home, as half its residents were born abroad before moving to this highly diverse neighborhood. About a third of residents trace their ancestry to Mexico and one out of five to the Philippines.
Atwater Village borders on Griffith Park, Glendale, Glassell Park, Echo Park, Los Feliz and Silver Lake, bordered by the Ventura Freeway, San Fernando Boulevard and the Los Angeles River. Students can choose from a variety of elementary public and private schools; the high school serving the area is John Marshall Senior High.
Maybe this is the time for you to see Atwater Village first hand. If you are interested in looking at homes near here, contact Steve Aranda at 360 Real Estate Group. Steve is an expert in buying and selling real estate in Atwater Village, having represented buyers and sellers in the area for the past 13 years.
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